Friday, June 20, 2008


This is a season of new things for me i think.
A new 4-port D-link modem router.( Yeah my old Aztech died out ready)
Cost me RM115 man..Not too bad also la cos its being shared by my housemates(I hope)
It's now Firefox 3!!(Yeah it's so good that it's smooth try it and believe it)
A new project to finish.(hehe, it's a under wraps script)
A new resolve.( Sorry this is as far I'll go.Only select few will know)
A new mission & vision.(Or a Renewed Calling to consider of)
New sacrifices.(Life or Love)
An Unknown but hopeful future.
Ever since I've came back from the Teenacity Revolution Camp,
have been having this nagging feeling.
It's the feeling how much I've enjoyed serving in the Teens Ministry.
It's the feeling that it's still my calling to be in the Teens Ministry.
But I'll say hold your horses.
Serving is great but also to consider the implications of serving in the ministry.
I've been asking around.The response is great and helpful.
Now it's finally up to asking the big kahuna and getting myself a mentor in church.
No, it's not easy.
For me to own up my deep shits(*Kenny in piles of black shit*)
Opening up my insides.(*Kenny on the operation table with chest open*)
Telling people God want you to serve and feeling under prepared.
(*K3n²y going to war with only a butter knife)
I'll say"Goodness gracious me!!" what the heck am i getting myself into?
Even though it's somehow God in doing things, doesn't mean I'll plunge myself every time.
But still pray for me.Am i ready?Only God knows...
Love is probably the only Biggest feelings psychs have problems figuring out.
Am I right?Only God Knows...
Yeah..Throughout these months.
I've not been telling bout my love issues.
No,I'm not in love again.
Rather I'm in a dilemma.
What if there's 2 or more possibilities in love.
In possibilities i mean our own seen possibilities.
In God there are no possibilities only outcomes.
For us there only choices that we make.
Sometimes when we like really meet the person that we really like.
God says dude can you wait for me?
I say" God can u just give me this girl and be done with it?"
Sometimes we'll wish we din say that.
It's probably the influence of Josh Harris's "I kiss dating goodbye" and "Boy Meets Girl".
Excellently controversial books but big on God and his values.
Those who probably only heard of it will say "Josh says dating is BAD".
I'll say "Go get the and dutifully read then tell me if Josh says dating is bad"
Truth is the is no such things as bad dating or good dating.
Only good Godly values in approaching a relationship.
When you finally understand that, you'll be blown away by the way how you approach relationships till now.
But still...the argument that will strike me down now is that "Saying is easier than Doing"
That's it happy?.But that's the truth.
I'm that dilemma now. That girl is right in front of my eyes now.
God how could this be?
Letting God work and still treat her as a fellow sister or go for it?
Before I decide, I've decided to get my life back in order 1st for GOD.
Then I'll decide.If it pass then it pass.If it's mine it'll come back.
Now playing: Regina Spektor - The Call
Suddenly I'm on the topic of Prince Caspian.
Yeah just remembered it.
I remembered, how disapointing it is when some people watch it without seeing the significance of Christ in the movie.Not that i remembered everything but here goes.
The way it started.
The Siblings are called back to Narnia at the time they least expected it.
Us, Jesus calls us to our calling the least we expected it.Sheesh...
Not always it is that our mission field is what we expected.
On the way back, Lucy spots Aslan while other don't.
They move on despite Aslan might be showing the way.
Only Edmund believe her only because he ended looking stupid last time.heh.
Peter asked why didn't Aslan appeared to him then?
Probably because Peter wasn't looking for Him.
Us, how often we complain of God not appearing to us when we did not even bothered to look for Christ?
Susan ask what her reason be?
Probably because she did not desire Him enough.
Us, how often do we say we wanna see God but not fully desiring Him to be in our lives.
Next, no matter how amazing the plans Peter and Caspian make.
All of it fail, due to human errors.
Us, no matter how perfect our plans are, it is never perfect.
It was only Lucy that went to find Aslan as only she can find him.
Aslan ask Lucy to do one thing for Him. Which was not revealed till the end.
He ask Lucy to stand on the bridge to stop the Telmarine's troops from retreating via the bridge.
In this, shows Aslan can use even the so called weakest people to do His will then He'll do his part.
In Aslan's kingdom He has called Caspian to be the King of the country.
As of us, we're called to be princes and princesses to God'd kingdom.
Trivia,i've heard Aslan only had a 3-minute screen time.
Us? To represent Jesus as he only did 3 years of ministry.
Taken from David Yeow.But dun think it intended.heh.
Can't remember much now since it's so long since i've watch it.
Good night and God Bless.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I counted...Offcially 24 today.

Oh dear..
It's the undeniable fact that i'm now 24 years of age...
It's also undeniable that this is also one of my most pleasant birthday ever.
It started this Sunday that 1st time my birthday was anounce in church(ACTS Church)
Got a chocolate bar.YAY.The teens finished it with me.heh.
Otherwise Kenny would go super high.

Saved the wrapper..
If your Birthday is on that Sunday week,
You'll get this ONE super ni-se choc bar.
(Secretly been waitin for this moment)

Next was 1-800-United Cell in Wangsa.
After it was all over they gave me this "kecik" cake with such a kiddish decor.
Got to eat it after they force me to drink this God-Knows-What concoction.
Did not give them the pleasure of being gaged by it.Heh.Juz drank it like gravy.

Tues,today.Woke up today with lots of b'day wishes and even more later throughout the day.
After rushing the media set-up for CF,then rushing to Tasik Selatan to meet-up with Sis.
Rushed to Subang to get Mum to our long awaited dinner at "The Apartment" at "The Curve". Then stoping by Starbucks to get that "Dark Mocha Frapachino".

Came back to J.J,my house.
Got the final B'day greetings for the day from my fav. gals Jerusha and Wen Lin.

So i think its rather appropriate to thank these people who wished me.

24 years that I've lived,
I thank God for the wonderful friends He gave me,
Those who support me to give me strength,
Those who are there for me,
Those who remembered a very forgetful me,
Those who bothered to challenge me,
Those I din even bothered with,
Those who have too much time on their hands,
Wishing me through the wonders of technology,
Those who really invest their life in my life,
There are no better friends than this when they spend even a minute for you.
Telling people you are there if you ever need me,
Telling people that you are not alone,
That's what friends are for,

Immediate people to Thank.
Sis, Mum, & Sis's bf.

People who wished me personally.
Housemates-Hao Han, Jia Pei, Andy
CFers-Jerusha, Wen Lin
1-800 United- Vincent, Nick, Kenny, Fay, Mei Fong, Joshua
Sorry if i've left out any.

SMS greetings
Helen Koh-From ELS & CF
Lin Wai Yi- 1-800-United Cell
Lin Meiyi-The ever talented gal from ELS
Kar Mun-CFer

Su Chee- A Cool Gal from ACTS
"The Wall"
Ps Andy Yeoh- Teens Pastor & Lead of A.F.
Caroline Lam- From ACTS & Lightbulb
Jason Ding- Bangsar H@mes Leader & Lead of Unabashed
Lyndsey- from back home in BOG Church Pg.

Eu Seng- Good Buds back in Secondary.
Steven Tang- Back in TARC PG

Thanks Alot!!