Saturday, February 17, 2007

Back ere,Back Home.

Hey i'm back for the holidays!!
Not tat crazy bout it.
Valentines come and gone.
Stayed at home.Din even knew it came.
Got a Valentine msg though.
no its not a "love sms"
Its an "appreciation sms"


Tot bout da thing called love for while.
I think love is self-gratifying.
Don't think so?
When the last time you love someone just because u love that person?
And not expecting something back?
Never happened?Good you're normal.
Each time you love someone,
you'll wanna (consciously/unconsciously) want something back.
Think...Tat time when u ever love someone.
What happened?
U wish tat person did something.Show u a sign.
A kiss?a hug?or even sex?
Ladies and gentlemen tats love.
this's one way to look at it.
Love's heartbreakin when u dun get a response.
Love's heartbreakin when u get pushed away.
Love's heartbreakin when u can't give to get.
Love's heartbreakin when u want to but can't.
Love's heartbreakin when u find out its not love.
Love's heartbreakin when u can't love no more.

Yeah,i dun hav one and i dun think i'll wanna one anytime soon.
I dun think i'll need it soon anyways.
There's da possibility tat i'll neva hav one?
Then tats fate i guess.none of my business.
I've had it been push around by love.
Feelings not da way to live by.


Ok tat sounds like i'm desperate for love thoroughly heartbroken.
i'm not, i assure you.At least tats how i feel bout love for now.
Those still in love...No offence to u guys.
Appreciated it while it last.
Now i'll wanna concentrate loving tat GUY up there.
Then maybe i'll find something.


I guess i'll comment bout various events in my life after this.
heh.look for it.

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