Love Rumors..
Apparently there're rumors flying around that i like her.(Like as in have feelings for..)
So what did i said?
Good thing i talk bout level of feelings of a person can have for the opposite sex.
Well i basicly told her:-
1)I've not told anyone that i like her specifically.
2)She is not my crush at the moment.(none actually)
[Crush as in i like someone to the point that i can hurt myself emotionally]
3)i'm just fond of her that all.
So basicly we agreed to stay as best friends.
As i got back, i can't stop thinking.
What did i do that got everybody talking about us?
Ok the truth is she has desirable qualities and very nice to be with.
I'm very comfortable just being with her.
If i hadn't control myself or my feelings i think i would have i've fallen for her already.
But the thing is i'm mature enough to think this through.
So basicly to put this is that i could let myself fall into crush with her but i wouldn't let it.
But its hard to do though.Sometimes i feel like to let myself fall into crush again.
But i won't do that.I refuse to hurt myself and to hurt any girl's feelings.
As the future may bring,i'll move into it finding my right girl from GOD.
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