I blinked And Its 2008!! Dang..
Guess someone forgot to wake me up when September ended.
So I slept through October, November, December, January and February I'm ere!!
Now now my imaginary fans, I'm pretty sure there's some kind of explanation somewhere.
So i did some digging into my past.
Which was no mean feat. Information were far and vague.
So many things happened while i slept.
Here's what I've found so far.Some speculations.Some vague truths.
Oct :Beginning of the semester
Nov 4 : AYA Awards by AYA
Dec 18: Christmas Night:The Truth about Christmas by TARC CF(KL)
Dec 23,25:The Tailor Made Man by The ACTS Chruch
Jan 17-31: Finals. 6 papers including a resit paper.
OCT- I guess I've started the 2nd year 2nd semester of Counseling in TARC KL.
Subjects are not so easy this time. Group Dynamics, Counseling Methods & Techniques 2, Industrial & Organization Psychology, Ethical & Legal Aspects of Counselling and Interpersonal Communication Skills.
The earliest assignment to start was Group Dynamics.We had to gather a group of people and give them group counseling. The problematic part was to gather them and to plan the sessions.
We're suppose to do this with a partner or go solo.My partner was my naggy god-sis, Steph.
We did pulled it off with a group of year 1 journalism students,courtesy of my ELS Jr EXCO (Amirul).
Next was I/O Psych and IPC. Solo assignments.
I/O was a cover letter and a curriculum-vitae for a real life job ad.
IPC wise, we suppose to make or pick a conversation and analyze it for solo assignment.
Group wise for IPC, a mock counseling session with a few holes here and there and analyze it.
CMT2? just a counseling session with a classmate.
Ethics? Suppose to talk about a Law act related to counseling.
All this assignments span throughout the 13 weeks of sem 2.
Oh yeah, some time around da 1st few weeks we were lookin 4 some place to do our practicum during 3rd sem. Got it. It's Spices in Wangsa Maju.WooHoo!! So we gonna work with kids this coming March.
NOV- One of the biggest events of the year.At least for me was AYA Dream Malaysia Awards. We(ACTS TV) were anticipating it since the end of the last AYA Awards. Which was coincidently was my 1st major project. Havin experienced the last few big projects This was a blast!.
Workin with everyone. Everythin was smooth flowing.
This time I'm just cabling for Vidy(Roamin Cam). So basically tats some stress off my back.
We actually felt professional with shirts and all.For me and Vidy we're quite black.
Wish I've some photos to show but none available.
As for the awards itself, I'm proud to part of the event which included some biggies.
Such as,
Astro(Official Broadcaster)
KLPAC(Official Venue)
Supported by, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Intergrasi Nasional(Jabatan Perdana Menteri)
Sponsored by, LIFE College, Swiss-Garden Golf Resort & Spa, Integricity, Digi and EMI.
Big huh?
Considerring the fact that the tickets cost $50 is fair deal.
If you paid the amount, you get to enjoy some nice pre-event appetizers.
Astro was so impressed that they wanted to work with us to do a Dream Asia Awards.
(proposal's in by Astro)Wow.
Winner's are Dr Kenny Lee and Youth Malaysia.
For more details Check Out:- http://www.ayaawards.com/
Ps:- Also check out the ad by Dr Kenny as well.
DEC- This is the Killer Month. The month where everything comes together.
Assignment datelines.
Christmas Practices.
Christmas Events.
By the time everything finishes I'm pretty numb.
Oh jolly Christmas, the time when God seem to dump the whole world on me.
Assignments back to back each week.Practices almost everyday since mid Nov.
Assignments aside.I've 6 roles to play for Christmas Night.
1.The Merchant
2.The Innkeeper
3.The Hip Hop Angel(Dance)
5. Flag wielding Soldier(Dance)
6.The Blindman
So now you'll have a rough idea of what I've went through.
The event itself is good, not excellent but enough in my expectation.
We'll do better this year.
As for The Tailor Made Man, it exceeded expectations.
It was even covered by NST. Check it out HERE.
I've ordered the dvd. I'll show u when I've time or when we meet.
JAN'08- Crazy Exam month.Nuff said.
Will post up pics when i find it .
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